Nathalie Bujold Ryan
The Trib Trilogy
All three books in the trilogy are available exclusively on Amazon on January 15, 2025.
For a few years now, the notion of writing about the end times has taken root and grown in me. However, I had other writing projects I wanted to pursue first. I kept telling myself I needed to wait on my “end times” project until I was skilled enough to write it.
But then, in the fall of 2023, while I was praying about it, I got the clear message from God that if I didn’t write about the end times ASAP, I would run out of time.
Now, whether that’s a personal warning to me that my time here on Earth is nearly done, or the world is running out of time, I don’t know. Or maybe God gave me a solid poke against my tendency to procrastinate. Again, I don’t know.
But what I do know is that God has helped me write The Trib Trilogy. In just a little over one year, I have planned, researched, outlined, wrote, rewrote, revised, polished, and formatted all three books in The Trib Trilogy. Each of the books in the trilogy is full, novel length.
Full disclosure: I have never written one book this quickly, let alone three.
So, from my experience, I know that if God hadn’t been helping me, I would never have been able to write all three books in The Trib Trilogy so quickly.
I feel like I’ve been riding shotgun with the Lord on this project.
And I can’t wait to do it again. My next project should be completed in early 2026, if not sooner.